2018-06-08  P7F

Applications of Holography to Strongly Coupled Systems

Dimitrios Giataganas

I will introduce the study of strongly coupled systems with holographic methods. By avoiding technicalities, I will present the heavy quarkonium potential, the heavy baryon properties, and the Brownian motion and energy loss of a heavy quark in a thermal environment(i.e. the quark-gluon plasma). I will also mention the transport coefficients like the shear viscosity and comment on the meaning of universalities among different theories. Then I will explain how we study the phase transitions from holography and I will provide a new explanation for the inverse magnetic catalysis.  The implementation of these studies on the gravity dual side include in their simpler form, the minimization of surfaces and the analysis of their fluctuations on curved space times (i.e. soap bubble mathematics in curved space times), while in the most demanding cases include the finding of new supergravity black hole solutions that change type smoothly as the energy flows (RG flows) and the relevant study of their thermodynamics properties.

  Presentation Slides